Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hot Dog Buns

My cheap mother really saved money consistently on food, especially when it came to feeding us (remember, she is also selfish). She would only make one trip to the grocery store every week, and some weeks she would buy hot dogs and buns. The ratio of hot dogs to buns would be pretty close to one. Unfortunately for us, she preferred the texture of hot dog buns to regular white bread for eating with hot chocolate. Sugar free hot chocolate and bread (or preferably some kind of bun) is her favorite meal. So, even though she knew we had exactly enough buns to go with hot dogs, she would eat the buns. She would never go buy more buns, she would never plan ahead and buy extra buns (probably too much money), and she wouldn't save the buns to go with the hot dogs. So, how did we eat the hot dogs? We ate the hot dogs on horrible, cheap, disgusting, plain white bread. You may wonder if white bread really absorbs ketchup and gets all soggy and gross. It does.

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