Monday, September 15, 2008


My mother is extremely cheap, but do you want to know what is absolutely hilarious? She doesn't want people to think she is cheap. Every year at Christmas time, she must decide whether to cut the tags (prices) off of Christmas presents. Her decision tree goes like this: Did I actually pay the sticker price for this item? If yes, take the tag off. If no, leave the tag on so the unsuspecting recipient thinks I spent more money than I actually did. Note, leaving the tag on only makes it easier to return the gift, and inevitably, the poor sap will eventually find out you were cheap.


Capt_Phun said...

Just like buying someone a $3.00 wedding gift?

Textor said...

If you're referring to the angel figurine, it was like $7.00, and that bitch was lucky to get a gift at all.

Plus, you're missing the point. Dumbass.

Rhonda said...

If you could find someone who could stand you, I would find you a $2.00 wedding gift.

Capt_Phun said...

I think your hot-ass sista can more than stand me.
Unfortunately, I too too like cheap diet K-Roger soda.

Rhonda said...

once again you missed the point. My mom doesn't like cheap soda, she just likes to make us drink it.

Textor said...

I just threw up a little in my mouth.