Sunday, October 5, 2008


I don't think my cheap mother owns a vase. I think this because when I was a little kid, sometimes I would find flowers when I was playing outside, and like little girls do, I'd pick them and give them to my mother. Then, like cheap mothers do, she'd put them in an old jelly jar, or in a plastic cup like the kind a bank or insurance company might give you for free, or sometimes in a soda can. (Coincidentally, I remember drinking water or milk out of all three items growing up. My cheap mother didn't break down and buy real drinking glasses until I was in high school or so.)

You could probably sell a couple of daffodils in a soda can as art somewhere. But probably only if it was a Coke can, not a Diet Bubba can.

1 comment:

Dottie said...

No, I think if it were a Coke can it would be bourgeois. I say phone the gallery.